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best online fitness coaches
best online personal trainer
best online fitness coach
best online personal trainer
best online personal trainer
best online fitness coach

I take away the frustration and guesswork from the muscle-building and fat loss process.


I’ve been there myself. I know it’s tough to figure out, especially with the information overload and mixed opinions on the internet and social media.


What exercises should I do? How many exercises?

How do I do them?

How many sets and reps?

How heavy should I train?

How hard should I train?

What training split?

When do I change exercise?

How many calories should I eat?

How much protein should I eat?

Am I eating too many carbs?

What should my macros be?

What foods should I eat?

How can I be more consistent?

Should I bulk or cut? Maybe body recomposition?

Why am I not building as much muscle as I’d expect?

What’s stopping me from losing weight?


And the list goes on.


These are the problems I solve. I provide a well-structured plan, and the next best steps you can take to get closer to your goals. This way you can confidently walk into the gym (and the kitchen!) knowing you’re doing things right.


The high level of accountability, education, guidance, and support allows you to be certain you’re headed in the right direction. You just follow my lead, follow through on your commitment, execute the plan, and enjoy the results.


Starting now, you can do the right things right instead of taking the extra time and effort (and struggle and frustration) to learn from your own mistakes.


I’ve already successfully walked the path you’re wanting to take. Either on my own, or alongside a client. I know what it takes to get from where you are right now, to where you want to be. I’ve done it, and I’ve helped so many other do it.


You can put an end to the frustrating cycle of constantly starting and stopping, spinning your wheels, never making much progress, and always “getting back on track” with trying to build the body you want.


If not now, when?


If you want better results, what are you going to do differently to get those results?

It seriously felt like I had a personal fitness newsletter catered just to me and my needs. Every check in you went above and beyond in providing lots of information and examples so that I always had something new to learn. I especially liked when you talked about how you handled certain issues yourself, since it allowed me to see that my struggles were not necessarily unique. I had coaches before that shared short, canned responses that made me feel like I was talking to Chat GPT.”

I’ve read your email a couple of times right now and realized how your worth every penny haha. Really appreciating this feedback.  I’m very proud of the weight I’ve lost already. I’ve always struggled with weight loss, as a kid I was obese! Weighing 220lb freshman year. This is the first time I actually have control over my weight and know what levers to press to lose weight.

Apply Here

*Spots are limited since you’ll be working with me one on one, and I can only take on so many clients at a time and maintain a high-quality service

How I Can Improve Your Nutrition

• First, I’ll want to learn more about your history with nutrition. Your past and current eating habits, what you’ve been struggling with, what’s worked, what hasn’t worked, your preferences, past weight loss or weight gain attempts, and more.


• Then we’ll come up with a way to monitor your food intake. This can be done in a variety of ways, but we’ll use the method of monitoring food intake that is both effective and most suitable for you. This will help us see where you currently are nutritionally, and then we can identify what changes we can start making to produce results.


• You’ll learn the ins and outs of effective and sustainable nutrition so you can have more control over how you look, feel, and perform. When you master nutrition, you can manipulate your diet and do what you want with your body—lose body fat, build muscle, or maintain your current look.


• We’ll work together to find an approach to nutrition that works for you. By works for you, I mean we’ll work towards a way of eating that fits your food preferences, your body, your schedule, your lifestyle, and your goals. When you do this, being consistent is easy. If you can be consistent, you can get results, and keep them.


• I’ll provide calorie and/or macronutrient targets and I’ll help you make the appropriate adjustments over time to make sure you’re progressing towards your goals. These adjustments will mainly be made based on body composition, body weight, and biofeedback (hunger, cravings, sleep, stress, digestion, mood, energy). You’ll receive a in-depth tracking sheet to monitor your progress towards your goals, body weight, calorie intake, macronutrients, step count, and biofeedback.


• I’ll be by your side along the way to answer any of your nutrition related questions. I always guarantee a response within 24 hours.

How I Can Improve Your Training

• No more wandering around the gym without a plan. Receive a detailed training program that is designed to fit your goals, experience level, preferences, schedule, and equipment availability.


• When you have a well-structured training program that you can follow, you’re on the right path towards more effective and efficient training. When you training improves, along with your diet and recovery, you can start building more muscle and seeing the changes you want in your physique.


• The program will include exercises with links to demonstration videos with written instructions, number of sets to do, the rep range you’ll be working in, how long to rest between sets, how to warm up before lifting, how to progress week to week, cardio recommendations, and any additional notes and tips that I think would help you make the most of your training.


• Start training smarter and harder by sending me videos of your sets of exercises for feedback on your form and intensity/effort. You can have the best exercises in your training program, but if they’re not being done correctly with enough intensity, then they’re not that useful.


• You’ll also have access to an exercise video library with demonstration videos of hundreds of exercises so you can learn how to do each exercise properly. Doing exercises properly is key for avoiding injuries and getting the most out of each exercise.


• Training programs will be adjusted as needed. I don’t have any set duration for training programs. I make changes as needed based on how progress is going, and your individual preferences and needs. If the program I have you on is producing the results we want, I don’t see a need to change it. We’ll change it when what was once working is no longer working well, or if you request a change for a different reason that I’m on board with.


• I’ll be by your side along the way to answer any of your training related questions. I always guarantee a response within 24 hours.

How I Can Improve Your Results

• Your training is the stimulus that creates the potential for muscle growth to take place. What you do outside of the gym has a significant impact on how your body responds to that stimulus—whether or not your muscles grow bigger and stronger, and by how much.


• Over the years I’ve realized many people are overworked, overstressed, and sleep deprived. Despite the external life stressors, lack of sleep and poor diet, they continue to push themselves in the gym, doing too much, and eventually, feeling burnt out and uncertain what to do next.


• I’ll keep you accountable and we’ll work together to change this. First, we’ll take a smarter, more effective and efficient approach to training so you’re not doing more than you can handle. You’ll actually make more progress with less. I see it happen all the time.


• We’ll also work on developing healthier habits and making lifestyle changes that’ll help you recover properly and maximize your results from the hard work you’re putting in at the gym. This includes things sleep, stress & mood management, staying active, limiting alcohol, supplementation, and of course, proper nutrition.

Your Transformation Starts Here

Different results require a different approach


Some questions to think about…


• What’s holding you back?


• What’s next if you don’t try something new?


• Why do you want this? What are the consequences of NOT achieving your goal?


• What’s the next best step you could take that would have the biggest impact on achieving your goals?


• If you continue doing what you’re doing now, will you be happy with your progress months and years from now?


Step 1: Complete the form below. I’ll reach out to you to schedule a Zoom call, phone call, or have you fill out a questionnaire—your choice.


Step 2: We hop on a call or you complete the questionnaire so I can gather the information I need from you to get started.


Step 3: Within 3-4 days, I’ll have a plan put together. A custom training program, a new approach to nutrition, and any other changes I think we can make to start working towards your goals.


Going forward, you can reach out to me with questions whenever you’d like. I’ll check in with you once a week, a day of your choice. We’ll go over how the week went, decide on the next best steps we can take that would have the biggest impact on your progress, and come up with a plan to make that happen.

Apply Here

*Spots are limited since you’ll be working with me one on one, and I can only take on so many clients at a time and maintain a high-quality service