Place a foam roller on the ground and lie face down on it with the foam roller just below your hip. Do one leg at a time.
You can be on your forearms.
Use you arms and one leg that is not on the foam roller to push off and move up and down – rolling the foam roller on your hip flexors.
You can also tilt your body forward and back as you move up and down.
Lastly, you can try bending you knee as much as you can, then slowly extending the leg back out. This may or may not produce a more intense sensation. It depends on what areas are more sensitive for you.
Lacrosse Ball
Hip Flexors
Place a lacrosse ball on the ground and lie face down on it with the ball just below your hip. Do one leg at a time.
You can be on your forearms.
Use you arms and legs to push off the ground and move up and down, left to right, and in small circles.
You can also tilt your body forward and back as you move up and down.
You can try bending you knee as much as you can, then slowly extending the leg back out. This may or may not produce a more intense sensation. It depends on what areas are more sensitive for you.
The lacrosse ball is great for getting not only the hip flexors, but a bit further in around the groin as well.