Why Fasted Cardio Is Still Worth Doing

why fasted cardio is still worth doing


Unfortunately, many people still believe fasted cardio is the best thing out there for fat loss. They think it promotes more fat loss than cardio done in a fed state, which just isn’t true.


Even though fasted cardio does not directly promote more fat loss compared to cardio done in a fed state, and the outcomes are basically the same, there are still some benefits to doing fasted cardio that could make your fat loss efforts a bit easier.


Eat The Frog

Have you ever heard the saying, “Eat the frog”?


This refers to that one thing you have absolutely no motivation to do and that you’re most likely to procrastinate on, or completely avoid doing.


For a lot of people, including myself, that’s cardio. If they put it off until later in the day, like after work, they probably won’t get it done. 


Cardio is the frog, getting it done is eating it. 


By doing it first thing in the morning, it ensures you get it done and doesn’t give yourself time to think about whether you feel like it or not later on.


As Nike says, “Just do it.”


Start Your Day Off Right

Some people enjoy starting their day with some physical activity. It’s part of their morning routine, they feel good afterwards, it gets their day off to a great start, and they have more energy and are more productive throughout the day. They rather leave lifting for later in the day, so they do cardio in the morning.


When doing both lifting and cardio, it’s best to keep them separate, at least a few hours apart. Doing cardio in the morning, and lifting in the later afternoon or evening works perfectly. 


Shorter Eating Window, Larger Meals

When you do your cardio first thing in the morning, there’s a good chance you’ll push your first meal back. This means your eating window is now shorter, assuming you also eat your last meal at the same time.


If you’re eating window is now shorter, you’ll likely be eating less meals, which means your meals get to be larger. For many people, larger meals are more satisfying.


If you’re more satisfied after each meal and can stay full for longer, this can help control your appetite and make consistently being in a calorie deficit less challenging. And a consistent calorie deficit is key for fat loss.


Final Words

Do fasted cardio if you’d like based on the reasons mentioned above, but it’s not fat loss magic. Fasted cardio won’t make up for a poor diet, and creating a calorie deficit through proper nutrition should remain top priority.


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